Indie/folk rock band Telegraph Canyon has played Friday on the Green every year since 2010. This year the group will play on June 12.
The free admission concert is held monthly through October at Magnolia Green Park, located on the corner of Lipscomb Street and Magnolia Green Drive and is open to all ages.
Free parking will be available along Magnolia Avenue and behind Brewed Café.
“We’ve played Friday on the Green every year for the past five years and there is always a great energy,” said Christopher Johnson, the group’s lead singer and guitarist.
This year, the Fort Worth band, that has toured throughout the country and the Netherlands, will debut songs from its unreleased album, “You From Before”.
“These songs are different,” said Johnson. “[We] didn’t want anything to be safe.”
The album will be available to purchase on vinyl and digital download June 23rd.
For more information on Telegraph Canyon, visit their web site here.